News & Events
Newsletter – December 2022
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Final evaluation meeting – Milano 2-5 December 2022
Dissemination conference – Milano 3rd December 2022
Self-hypnosis and Social Well-Being event for the dissemination of the Erasmus+ project
The event is free but requires reservations. The places available are limited. Milan, December 3rd 2022, Starhotels Business Palace, via Privata Pietro Gaggia, 3 (from 6pm to 9pm) Igor Vitale (Italy) Igor Vitale is a Psychologist, International Speaker and Authors....
Well-Being and sport: Teaching tips and models in France / CAH
School Program for Children Well-Being and Outdoor Learning project team meeting, August 3-6, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey
The consortium of the Erasmus+ project “School Program for Children Well-Being and Outdoor Learning” met in Istanbul, Turkey, on August 3-6, 2022 Istanbul, Turkey
Publication of the French version: “Toolbox ‘Well-being’ for trainers”
Download the document in PDF format: Well-Being Toolkit for Trainers - French version
The English version of the WELL-BEING Toolkit for Trainers
We are pleased to present to you for free download the English version of the Well-Being Toolkit for Trainers.
Children Well-Being and Outdoor Learning LTTA, Lamia, Greece 12-18 mai 2022
Photos day by dayDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
Mayor of Lamia, Greece visited the workshop of Outdoor Learning #Be Active on Friday 27.05.2022
The activities, lasted 2 weeks and the Directorate of Primary Education of Fthiotida and the Municipality of Lamia were the hosts. Students of local schools took part in outdoor learning experience. During the Last day of the activities, the participants of the TTL C3...
LTTA en Roumanie, Sinaia
Retour en images des activités à Sinaia, Roumanie. 20 jeunes ont pris part aux activités d’enseignement et d’apprentissage organisées à Sinaia en Roumanie du 12 au 18 mars 2022 dans le cadre du projet Erasmus+ intitulé « School Programme for Children Well being and...
We are pleased to present to you for free download the French version of the WELL-BEING GUIDE FOR TEACHERS AND YOUTH: GUIDE DE BIEN-ÊTRE POUR LES ENSEIGNANTS ET LES JEUNES
We are pleased to present to you for free download the first version of the WELL-BEING GUIDE FOR TEACHERS AND YOUTH.
Training has just taken place in Antalya, Turkey from August 12 to 19, 2021
As part of the Erasmus + project “School Program for Children Well-Being and Outdoor Learning”, a training has just taken place in Antalya, Turkey from August 12 to 19, 2021. Profile of the participants: Teachers, trainers, coaches… over 22 years old. Working...
Kick-off meeting – Paris, August 9-10, 2021

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.